maandag 23 september 2013

Zotte Zaterdag

Zotte Zaterdag (literally: Crazy Saturday) is something organised by MNM, a Flemish radio station.
Basically, you have to organise / do something crazy to make people smile and make the world a better place. Yup.

Anyway. You all know the Where We Are Tour is not coming to Belgium (sad face). I was thinking we could do a little something to let the boys / management know we love the boys a lot and we want them to come back soon.
  • take a post-it
  • write down "Belgium ♥ One Direction" and / or (on another post-it) "dear One Direction, please come back soon. Belgium misses you"
  • put the post-it somewhere (on the window, in a book, somewhere on the street, ... whatever!)
  • take a picture
  • post it on Twitter (/ Instagram)
  • use the hashtag #crazy1DBE (and the official hashtag #zottezaterdag)
  • tag the boys, Sony, Live Nation, ...
This action might not get the boys here, but we will at least show them / management that we are not just letting them skip our country.
So yeah. Who's in?

I will also be giving away some posters to people that take part in this, because it's my 2nd Twitter birthday. Maybe that'll convince you to take part ;)

* I know Zotte Zaterdag is actually a Flemish thing, but why not use it to unite as a Belgian family? :)

dinsdag 30 juli 2013

1D World Belgium

1D World comes to Belgium!

The 1D World Merch team have announced that Belgium will get its first and so far only 1D World this summer. For those who don't know what 1D World is, it's a pop-up store where you can buy all things One Direction. Posters, books, CD's, hoodies, cartboard cut outs, dolls, stickers, pens, necklaces, bracelets, name it and you can find it there.

In Belgium, the store will be located in the Waasland Shopping Centre, Sint-Niklaas, 20 minutes from Antwerp, 30 minutes from Ghent, and about 45 minutes from Brussels. The exact address (for everyone with a GPS) is Kapelstraat 100, Sint-Niklaas. For a map, click here.

As it's a pop-up store, it won't be there for a very long time. The store opens August 16th, which is a Friday, and disappears after September 7th, which is a Saturday. On August 16th, there's a VIP-opening at 09:30 and 'normal' fans can come visit it from 10:00 that day. Waasland Shopping Center is open from 10:00 till 22:00 from Monday till Saturday.

Besides One Direction merchandise, there will also be a number of competitions and a One Direction karaoke. The store is definitely worth a visit, even if you won't buy anything :)

For the latest news, follow me on @1DupdatesBE, follow @1dworldmerch and look out for the hashtag #1DWorldBelgium.

vrijdag 28 juni 2013

1D camp Belgium

[This is for Flemish Directioners only, so I'm going to write in Dutch, sorry]

One Direction-kamp: wie wat waar hoe?
Misschien heb je er altijd al van gedroomd om met een hele groep One Direction fans bijeen te komen, niet voor slechts een namiddag, maar voor meerdere dagen. Of misschien heb je hier nog nooit aan gedacht, maar lijkt het je wel een leuke ervaring om een aantal dagen te beleven die enkel en alleen in het teken staan van One Direction.
Volgend jaar kan dat. Van 1 tot en met 7 juli 2014 organiseren Charisse (dan 15), Daisy (dan 19) en Karolien (dan 16), drie Vlaamse meisjes, een One Direction kamp op het domein van het Zilvermeer in Mol.
Er wordt overnacht in tentjes op de kampeerplaats van het domein en activiteiten zullen zowel op de kampplaats als op het domein plaatsvinden. Voor zij die het Zilvermeer niet kennen: dit is een groot recreatiedomein waar allerhande mogelijkheden zijn voor activiteiten, gaande van zwemmen en een avonturenparcours tot een bosspel en gewoon 'strandhangen'. Eén van de geplande activiteiten is al bekend: surfen.
Er kunnen 50 mensen deelnemen, met de organisatrices inbegrepen, dus er zijn nog 47 plaatsen. Er is geen leeftijdsgrens.
Het One Direction-kamp zal ongeveer 80 kosten, alles inbegrepen.

Kort en praktisch
  • 1 t.e.m. 7 juli 2014
  • Zilvermeer (Mol)
  • 80
Meer info / vragen
Ik organiseer dit niet, dus vragen kunnen niet aan mij gesteld worden.

maandag 24 juni 2013

#1DDIY: frame your ticket

After a long time, I finally felt like updating my blog again. However, it's not gonna be a post full of recent pictures of the boys, it's gonna be a DIY.
My room was an absolute mess during the last month (blame the exams) and I finally found time to clean it. While cleaning, I discovered that I didn't have a safe place for my One Direction ticket. It just lay on my desk, ready to be destroyed once I had forgotten it was there. My tour ticket means a lot to me and I thought about a way to keep it nice and at the same time display it somewhere in my room. The solution: framing it.
It's a very simple DIY, but I thought I'd share it with you in case you don't know what to do with your ticket. And because I was bored.

vrijdag 5 april 2013

Auf Wiedersehen

Hiiii :)

For the second time in 2 weeks, I have to tell you something you may not like: I'm leaving. (again)
This time I'm going to Germany for a week; 5 days in Berlin and 2 days in 2 other cities (can't remember which, oops).

I'm leaving tomorrow (April 6th) and I'm coming back next Friday (April 12th).

I might have wifi at the hotel, but I have a feeling I won't.
That's why I scheduled some tweets, so you might see them pop up on your timeline, but I won't tweet new rumours, pictures or videos.
I also scheduled some tweets on my update Twitter (@1DTourUpdateBE), so the countdown continues every day!

If you have any questions while I'm away, you can still tweet or mail me. I will check every tweet and every mail the minute I'm back home :)
(And if a miracle happens and I do have wifi, I will check my mails while I'm still in Germany.)


VIDEO Liam's sculpting session